Simple Solutions for Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic illness took my life on a detour I wasn’t expecting,
but it’s still a beautiful ride!
When I was first diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2018 (after 6 years of searching for answers) I didn’t know a single person who had the disease. I searched online and only found the “worst case scenario” photos and struggled to find people who were sharing their journey and their insights on living with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I was searching for hope, help, and inspiration but found very little. It was then that I determined, that if I could find effective ways to cope with arthritis, then I would find a way to share it with others and be the person I had hoped to find to inspire me in those desperate moments.
Since then, more and more Rheumatoid Arthritis Warriors have emerged and through social media many have been sharing their personal experiences with RA.
This site is my voice being added to that community. It is me sharing my journey, my experiences, my insight, and hopefully giving you the hope, help, and inspiration you need for your journey.